Friday, November 7, 2008

I am not very good at this Blogging

I thought I would be a lot better at Blogging, but again I have found something else that I am not that great at. It has been a crazy month, I registered for school I had to take 12 credits to be able to keep my pell grant. I am excited to start but nervous to but we will see how it goes. Halloween was fun I will have to put the kids pictures up they looked really cute. I cant believe we are going into the holidays.

I have focused a lot on prop 8 the last two days and how they are turning everything against the Mormons it has really upset me. But like my brother said tonight President Hinckley told us to be tolerant, so that is what I will try and be.


Unknown said...

I am sooo excited for you to start school! Keep me updated on how it goes! I can't believe how everyone is so up in arms about this prop 8 and the church. 13 years ago the Church made clear its stance on marriage being between a man and a woman and the family being essential to His eternal plan. Why wasn't everybody mad about this 13 years ago? It's not like the Church has newly adopted their beliefs on this because of proposition 8.

Smith Family said...

I have also been really upset about Proposition 8 and the turn it is taking against mormons. Something that really helped me was re-reading the Family Proclamation. In one way it made me sad for those that are denying their divine potential. on the other hand it made me so peaceful and happy to have the knowledge I have.